Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tips for Eating Right as You Age

Author: Ronald Godlewski

As you begin to get older, it is going to become more and more important that you eat right, since you need fewer calories as you age. The choices you make in nutrition are going to be so important, since you have few calories to work with when making the right decisions. Making the wrong choices when it comes to aging and nutrition can lead to weight gain and even more health risks, so it's time that you learn to eat right.

Whether you need to lose a few pounds, you want to eat to feel better, or you just want to stay in good shape, it is imperative that you eat the right foods and get as many nutritious foods as you can each day. So, the following are a few tips for eating right as you age that will help you make sure you get the proper nutrition.

Tip #1 - Get Plenty of Protein - If you are going to eat right and get the proper nutrition, you need to make sure that you get plenty of protein in your diet. There are plenty of foods out there that are rich in protein, and eating the right foods are better than trying to take protein supplements. While you don't want too much protein, about two 3 oz servings of meat each day is about enough to suffice. A few great foods that are great sources of protein include chicken, beef, eggs, fish, cheese, pork, and milk.

Tip #2 - Watch the Fat Intake - When it comes to aging and nutrition, it is also important that you watch the fat intake you get each day as well. While you do need some fat in your food to stay healthy, you'll want to avoid too much fat; in fact, only about 20-30# of your calories each day should be calories from fat. On the other hand, diets that are extremely low on fat can be bad for your body, since they won't give you the nutrition that you need.

Tip #3 - Eat Carbs for Instant Energy - When you need instant energy, carbohydrates are what you need, as well as fiber. In order to get the nutrition you need, about 55-60% of your daily caloric intake should be carbohydrates, although you want to get most of this from whole grains, vegetables, and fruits as well. While a bit of sugar and refined carbs are okay, you'll want to do your best to eat right and get the best nutrition possible by eating healthier carbs. The fiber is specifically important, since it helps you make sure you have plenty of good bacteria inside your intestinal tract. You can find fiber in foods such as corn, brown rice, oatmeal, strawberries, bran cereal, whole grain breads, apples, and carrots.

Tip #4 - Meet Your Vitamin Needs - As you get older, you'll need to eat right to make sure that you get plenty of the important vitamins your body needs. Vitamin A is important and you can find it in milk, eggs, fish oils, and liver, although you can get other forms of the vitamin from eating carotenoids,
including carrots, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, red and green peppers, cantaloupe, and mangos. Some of the other important vitamins you need for proper nutrition include Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Choline, Folate, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Tip #5 - Eat to Get Important Minerals - Minerals are very important when it comes to aging and nutrition, although you don't hear as much about them as you do vitamins. However, they are extremely important to seniors. Calcium is important if you are going to avoid osteoporosis, chromium can help with weight regulation and blood sugar regulation, iron is important, magnesium helps to supplement the bones, and potassium, selenium, and zinc are other important minerals that you need to get in your diet on a regular basis to feel and look your best.

It is important that you eat right as you age, and the right foods can provide you with the nutrition that you need each day. Make the most of what you eat, and remember that aging and nutrition should go hand in hand if you want to live out a long and healthy life.

About the author:
Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health, wellness, and
maintaining vitality as we fight the effects of aging and while
we are dieting. Check out
where you will find more articles and information on how you can
actually improve your general health while making your lifestyle

What to Eat for Lunch

For the guy who's both hungry and lazy, the supermarket deli can be a poignant reminder of his surly adolescence, when all he had to do was make a silent, resentful appearance at the family dinner table to score a heaping plateful of meat loaf or tuna casserole. No nuking, no social interaction, no proper attire required.

Seamless as this arrangement sounds, there is one problem: Most grocery-store takeout isn't exactly lean and healthy, and stores are about as likely to know the fat content of their meat loaf as Mom was.

Tired of guessing, Men's Health rounded up 15 popular deli takeout foods from three grocery chains and sent them to a lab for nutrient analysis. For each one, we looked at a 3/4-cup serving. (That's the amount in a Boston Market side dish, or a pile about the size of 1 1/2 tennis balls.)

What we found confirmed our worst fears. Some deli takeout is loaded with fat and calories. Make the wrong choices, and you might as well dine beneath the Golden Arches. But we found a few healthy choices, too. Some highlights and lowlights:

* Biggest impostor: Coleslaw. This "vegetable" has as much fat as a large milkshake and fries. The coleslaw we tested averaged 36 grams (g) of fat per serving--more than half the fat a man should have in a day.

Knowing this, we'd just as soon pass on the whole mysterious slaw category; but if you're a fan, try pepper slaw. It's made of finely chopped cabbage and green pepper, but has a vinegar-based dressing instead of mayo. A serving has only 1 g fat, and it's low in calories and sodium, too.

* Poorest excuse for a salad: Chicken salad. Naturally low-fat chicken stops being healthy when it's drowning in mayo. The chicken salads we tried averaged 33 g fat per serving -- more than in a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese. A leaner (and better-tasting) option is skinless chicken breast with honey-mustard sauce, which has only 5 g fat. (Tip: If takeout food is swimming in mayo or oil, eat a small helping -- less than a tennis ball. Balance that portion with a big helping of steamed vegetables or a tossed salad with fat-free dressing.)

* Biggest shock: Broccoli salad sounds healthy, but the ones we tested were made with mayo and bacon and averaged about 32 g fat per serving--5 grams more fat than a whole Tombstone for One Deep Dish pepperoni pizza.

Better vegetable options are glazed carrots (5 g fat per serving) and roasted vegetables (6 g fat).

Get Stronger With Healthy Food and Have a Body You Can be Proud of

By: Silvia Goodman

A healthy food regime consists of good nutritional diet that supplements the basic need of body. It supplies the appropriate amount of energy and sufficient raw materials to keep the body healthy. It also provides anti-oxidants that make people feel young and be proud of looking great. Having fair idea of why the body requires healthy food, the next thing is to know more about healthy food and eating methods of healthy food, in order to attain stronger body.

Healthy Food for Stronger Body:

Food in natural state: The food helps to build stronger body. Fresh fruits, apples and berries are good for satisfying the desire for sweets. Vegetables of all kinds such a green, yellow and orange are rich in vitamins and minerals. Steamed vegetables retain the nutritional value of the vegetables. Avoid calorie rich sauces and fats. High calorie foods are not good for health.

Fish, Chicken and Meat: To attain a stronger body, serve seafood two or three times a week. Ocean fish consists of essential fatty acids that are usually deficient in the healthy diet. Prefer baked chicken and fish rather than fried ones. The lean meat such as venison or bison is healthier than beef, which is rich in fat.

Processed bacon, lunchmeat, sausages and hot dogs contain plenty of junk, which the body does not require. Even if anybody wants to have such meats, then probably they can go for healthier versions that are available at health food departments.

Avoid Non-nutritional food: White bread and noodles are made of flour that is not good for health. The flour does not contain nutritional content. Moreover, the high starch content of white bread affects the sugar level of the blood quicker than a regular sugar. In addition, sugary pastries and snacks, apple pie are non-nutritional items, which are not good for health. It is essential that pasta or baked items have to be made from whole grains.

Benefits of Variety in Food & Water:

Some people are very much sensitive to frequently eaten food. Therefore, such people have to break the habit and start eating a variety in food to achieve stronger body. Consume various kinds of grains. Spelt is a better substitute for wheat. Prefer to have almond or rice milk rather than cow's milk. People have to eat variety of food even if they do not like it.

Drink plenty of water and limit beverages such as soft drinks. If individuals are tired of drinking plain water, add some lime or lemon slice to it. Serve kids with some fruit juice with carbonated water. Even green and herbal tea can be good substitute for water. However, avoid excess of caffeine.

Avoid Skipping Meals:

Skipping breakfast brings down the energy level by midmorning. It is better to split the breakfast in half than skipping it. It helps greatly by eating breakfast early such as oatmeal, egg or whole grain bread. Snacks such as almonds and raisins also benefit the health greatly. The split breakfast provides better solution than going for candy bars or coffee, and retains the energy level to feel good and fresh.

5 Key Benefits of Consuming Protein

By: Tom Parker

Proteins are large organic compounds that form a key part of any person's nutritional requirements. They are important for the normal functioning of your body's cells. Furthermore, consuming protein can have a number of additional health benefits. This article outlines five of the key benefits that are associated with protein consumption.

1) Growth In Children:- Protein is particularly important for healthy growth in children. It assists in the building and growth of muscles, helps maintain healthy eyes and vision and also helps keep the immune system working properly. Since children are still developing they need to make sure they are consuming enough protein to ensure that their growth is unimpaired.

2) Repair And Maintenance in Adults:- Consuming protein is also particularly important for repair and maintenance in adults. Proteins help repair damage to your body and also reduce the effects of daily wear and tear. Even though adult's bodies are fully developed, it is still important that they get their recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein to make sure their bodies do not endure sustained damage.

3) Increased Muscle Mass:- One of the most highly publicised benefits of protein is increased muscle mass. Professional bodybuilders indulge in a high protein diet for this very reason. If you are participating in a muscle building program then it is likely that you require additional protein, so make sure you incorporate this into your diet.

4) Improved Muscle Tone:- Although protein will not improve your muscle tone alone, it can really boost the effects of resistance training. Increasing your consumption of protein as part of a weight training program will help improve the appearance and tone of the muscles all over your body. If toning your muscles is one of your goals, make sure that you are consuming enough protein in your diet.

5) Improved Weight Loss:- Studies have linked protein with both a temporary boost in metabolism and a suppressed appetite. Both of these effects can help you with your weight loss efforts. If you want to lose weight and burn fat, be sure not to neglect protein.

As this article shows, protein is a highly important part of your diet which can significantly improve both your health and appearance. You should make sure that you get at least your RDA of protein, because without protein it will be your weight loss and/or muscle building goals will be hindered. In the worst cases, not consuming enough protein can even put your health at risk. Protein is available from a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources, so make sure your diet is topped up with adequate amounts.

Eat Healthy for Fitter Abs

By: Bill Mann

The first step towards great abs is great abdominal health. In order to achieve the look you want, pay attention to what you are eating. Support the functions of your body by the foods you eat.

One of the many causes of tummy bloat is improper digestion. Many people are so busy that they do not allow time to pay attention to their diet. This means lots of grab-and-go meals that provide little or no dietary support. Not only are these foods generally high calorie and low in nutrition, they contain little fiber. It is hard for the body to digest this stuff, let alone get rid of it.

Eat plenty of fiber. Fiber comes from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A good rule of thumb to follow is the less processing and packaging, the better. Dark green vegetables and the skins of fruits such as plums, apples and pears provide a good source of fiber. Avoid white and bleached flour baked goods and choose whole grains instead. Whole grain oats, barley, and wheat also support healthy digestion. A sufficient amount of fiber in your diet helps your body cleanse the bowels and maintain a healthy digestive track.

Reduce, but don't eliminate, carbohydrates. Don't cut all carbohydrates out of your diet, but reduce your intake of simply carbohydrates like cookies, candy, and sweet drinks. Be mindful of eating complex carbohydrates and whole grains to balance your digestion and metabolism.

Lessen your fatty foods intake. Not all fat is created equal, but too much of any fat is bad. Saturated fats and partially hydrogenated oils are particularly nasty and create the highest impact. Having some natural oils and fat in your diet is healthy, but make sure you know the source. Read labels!

Another enemy of flatter abs is water retention. This often comes as a result of high sodium intake. Lessen sodium intake by paying attention to the salt you are eating. Sodium doesn't just come from the salt shaker, though. Many prepackaged foods and especially fast food contains high levels of sodium and preservatives. When the body has to process the extra sodium, this causes water retention and bloating.

Also make sure you drink lots of water. Staying fully hydrated aids the digestive process. This ensures that the body makes a quick job of absorbing what it can use and expelling what it does not. Drinking enough water also helps relieve the bloating from excess sodium intake by flushing sodium from the body.

On the issue of liquid intake, quit drinking soda. The calorie free kind won't help you lose weight either. The sugar in a can of regular soda delivers a calorie wallop and can cause weight gain. However, studies have shown that drinking a can of diet soda a day can increase the risk of being overweight by 41%. This won't do any wonders for your midsection.

If you want firm, flat abs, or fitness in any muscle area, you must eat to support muscle development. Without muscle tone, your belly is going to sag and bubble. Amino acids found in protein are essential for building and maintaining muscle health. Health officials recommend women consume 46 grams of protein a day and men 56. Protein in the diet comes from meats, eggs, grains, beans, and dairy products. Lean meats and vegetable proteins are the healthiest choices.

Remember though, eating the right foods only goes so far. Work out your abdominal muscles and get some aerobic activity. A sedentary lifestyle makes it extremely difficult to get the shape you want, no matter what you eat.

How Healthy Food Changed My Life?

By: Silvia Goodman

Often, developing healthy food habit is not as restrictive or as confusing as several individuals imagine. The first and foremost principle of healthy nutrition is simply eating a wide range of foodstuff. This is more important, since varied foodstuff make varied dietary contributions.

Secondly, vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are necessary, since these foods are high in carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and low in fatty substances and are cholesterol free.

It is also better to balance between calorie expenditure and calorie intake. That is, avoid eating more foodstuff than what the body can consume. Otherwise, there is a possibility of gaining additional weight. Therefore, the more the active an individual is, the more he can eat and uphold this balance.

It does not mean that aforementioned three fundamental steps suggest an individual to sacrifice the favorite food. As long as, an individual's diet is rich in fiber and nutrients and well balanced, there is nothing improper.

Individuals also can view healthy foodstuff as a chance to expand range of alternatives by trying some healthy food such as vegetables, fruits or whole grains. A healthy nutrition does not have to imply eating foodstuffs, which are unappealing or bland.

Benefits of Healthy Food:

Nutritious and healthy diet is very much significant for maintaining a healthy body. Healthy diet involves timely and regular food, snacks, nuts and juices. A balanced meal and appropriate food habits are essential for leading a healthy life. In due course of life, everyone forgets to take essential nutrition for proper body function, hence fall under several life-style diseases. Hence, it is necessary for an individual to understand and know about the benefits of healthy food such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Below discussed are some of the benefits of healthy food:

* Beetroot: It has good amount of potassium, manganese and foliate. It also contains fewer calories and helps to cure skin problems.

* Cauliflower: It is extremely nutritious and is much effective in curing several ailments. It is rich in folate and apt for pregnant women.

* Mangoes: They are very popular and largely available fruit. They are rich in potassium and good for healing wounds.

* Nutritional Values of Banana: It aids in the healing of anemia, depression, brainpower, blood pressure and constipation.

* Egg: It is nutritious and healthy food. Eggs lecithin prevents the absorption of egg's cholesterol and other sources as well.


Research has witnessed that, those who eat less processed food and saturated fatty items live longer and healthy life, and are very less prone to disease and illness. Good health food along with proper exercise gives tons of energy and makes feel stronger and healthier.

Good health food can assist individuals in maintaining a healthy weight. The phrase Healthy Weight is not only important for those individuals who are overweight, but also for individuals who are underweight as well. With eating healthy food, individuals can control their body weight without being underweight or overweight.

Healthy livelihood is all about understanding the body requirements and rendering it with good supplies for proper body function. Unhealthy eating habit can affect the individuals' body severely, hence intake healthy foodstuff to avoid such consequences.

Health Care Tips For Healthy Lifestyle In Just 10 Steps

By: /\/eeraj

Health is Wealth. With the advent of busy schedule and life style many people do not take care of their health. Their unhealthy lifestyle increases the incidence of occurrence of many diseases. Adding some daily work can give a healthy life in the result. Following are the 10 ways to be healthy-

1.Exercise Regularly - Exercise burns an extra fat which is metabolized. Doctors prescribe a walk for 40 minutes everyday.

2.Maintain Weight- The focus should be on managing the weight, not looking slim. Increase physical activities and reduce caloric intake in a systematic manner will make a body healthy day by day. A body should have an ideal weight; ideal weight can be calculated by body mass index and height.

3.Avoid Saturated Fat- Avoiding oily food is must for a healthy body. Do not consume more than 1tbsp oil every day. Vegetable oils do not have cholesterol; cholesterol comes from food like animal fats, meat, eggs and shell fish. Foods high in saturated fat include whole milk, milk products, bakery products, ghee, butter etc.

4.Eat Vegetables and Fruits- Eating fresh vegetables and fruits are very important to be healthy. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables cleanse the body from toxic substance.

5.Quit Smoking and Drinking- Smoking leads to fat deposit in the inner walls of the blood vessels, which gradually narrow and reduce the blood supply to the organ. Excessive drinking can damage the liver, where fat metabolism takes place.

6.Adapt Low-Cholesterol Diet- The body makes the cholesterol it needs. So choose foods like grain products that have less cholesterol. Prefer complex carbohydrates like brown rice to simple carbs. Eating nuts, almonds and walnuts are the best for health.

7.Prefer Less Salt- avoid extra salt in the diet. This means avoid pickles, papd, baked beans, canned soups and processed foods.

8.Eat frequently, smaller meals- Eating large meals tends to cause fat to deposit. The body is able to digest small meals faster.

9.Consume Isabgol - Isabgol provides a combination for soluble and insoluble fibers. Insoluble fibers increase the bulk of food within the intestine, aiding the contraction of the intestine.

10.Blood tests- People more the 30 and having blood pressure should get a blood test do determine cholesterol levels every three months. If healthy, go for a test every two years.
Phuket Hotels Promtion

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Absolute Sea Pearl Beach Resort Phuket From 79 USD
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     Welcome to the Absolute Sea Pearl Beach Resort, a boutique resort perfectly located at Patong Beach, Phuket. Only steps to the beach and within a short walking distance to everything that the Beach ha... More Detail
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     Situated right in the heart of Laguna Phuket, The Allamanda is a sublime place to relax. Cool sea breezes and fresh air create an idyllic setting where the cares of everyday life can be put aside. ... More Detail
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Andaman Cannacia Resort & Spa Phuket
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Andaman White Beach Resort Phuket
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     Benyada Lodge, a paradise on Phuket Island, is situated in secluded environment where ocean view and privacy are promised. Styled in Thai contemporary architecture, all rooms and facilities offer comf... More Detail
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     Deevana Patong Resort & Spa is a newly developed, modern Thai style resort in Patong. Set away from the madding crowds, yet within easy walking distance of all the excitement and activities Patong is ... More Detail
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Kantary Bay Hotel Phuket (Formerly The Bay Hotel Phuket) From 43 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 275 Baht On Bonus Night !!!  Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 275 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
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Kata Palm Resort Phuket
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Kata Palm Resort Phuket From 36 USD
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     The mini shopping and entertainment center are conveniently within walking distance under the shady palm tree or take a pleasant stroll while the sun is setting. A wide variety of the pristine natura... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.3 From 5.0) (Review)

La Flora Resort Patong Phuket
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La Flora Resort Patong Phuket From 191 USD
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Leelawadee Boutique Hotel
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Leelawadee Boutique Hotel From 34 USD
Stay 5 Nights Pay 4 Nights , Plus Only 165 Baht On Bonus Nights !!! Stay 5 Nights Pay 4 Nights , Plus Only 165 Baht On Bonus Nights !!!
     The allure to the lifestyle of Patong Beach, one of the top beaches of world class tourist destinations like Phuket, is now further enhanced by the newly open Leelawadee Boutique Hotel nestled on the ... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.1 From 5.0) (Review)

Malisa Villa Suites Phuket
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Malisa Villa Suites Phuket From 304 USD
Minimum Stay 4 Nights Get Free One Lunch Or One Way Airport Transfer !!! Minimum Stay 4 Nights Get Free One Lunch Or One Way Airport Transfer !!!
     "MALISA" Comprised of 41 individually privacy villas with individually its own pool, the landscaping design of each villa merges contemporary Eastern and Western styles incorporating a stunning privat... More Detail
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Movenpick Resort & Spa Karon Beach Phuket
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Movenpick Resort & Spa Karon Beach Phuket From 145 USD
Stay 7 Nights Pay 6 Nights !!!  Stay 7 Nights Pay 6 Nights !!!
     Movenpick Resort & Spa Karon Beach Phuket is bordered by tranquil and tropical Karon Beach - one of the Kingdom's most extraordinary natural beauties. Its fine golden sands and translucent turquoise w... More Detail
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Old Phuket Hotel
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Old Phuket Hotel From 39 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 275 Baht On Bonus Night !!! Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 275 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
     The Old Phuket Hotel at Karon Beach is a Sino-Portugese-style creation that evokes memories of 19th century Southeast Asia. The atmosphere will take travelers back to the days of the spice trade, of t... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.3 From 5.0) (Review)

Orchidacea Resort Phuket
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Orchidacea Resort Phuket From 50 USD
Stay Consecutive 4 Nights, Get Free 1 Dinner Thai Set Menu For Double Occupancy !!! Stay Consecutive 4 Nights, Get Free 1 Dinner Thai Set Menu For Double Occupancy !!!
     Orchidacea Resort (Formerly Pop Cottage) is located on a gently sloping hill offering every single one of our rooms an incredible view of the crystal blue Andaman Sea and the immaculately white Kata... More Detail
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Patong Premier Resort Phuket
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Patong Premier Resort Phuket From 41 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights, Plus Only 180 Baht On Bonus Nights !!! Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights, Plus Only 180 Baht On Bonus Nights !!!
     Patong Premier Resort is centrally located in the heart of Patong Beach, our resort has a superb combination of location, price and service, its architecture and design in complete harmony with the la... More Detail
Average User Rating : (3.9 From 5.0) (Review)

Peach Blossom Resort Phuket
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Peach Blossom Resort Phuket From 61 USD
Stay 7 Nights Pay 6 Nights Plus Only 330 Baht On Bonus Night !!! Stay 7 Nights Pay 6 Nights Plus Only 330 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
     New luxury modern Resort amongst the green garden of the hills overlooking the white sands of Kata & Karon Beach and crystal clear waters of the andama Sea. The resort is ideally located in green peac... More Detail
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Peach Hill Resort & Hotel Phuket
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Peach Hill Resort & Hotel Phuket From 47 USD
Stay 5 Nights Pay 4 Nights Plus Only 330 Baht On Bonus Nights !!! Stay 5 Nights Pay 4 Nights Plus Only 330 Baht On Bonus Nights !!!
     Occupying a superb site on Phukets western coast in a peaceful valley covered with lush vegetation and facing Kata Beach and the Andaman Sea, Peach Hill is 5 minutes to Karon Beach, 15 minutes to Pato... More Detail
Average User Rating : (3 From 5.0) (Review)

Royal Phuket City Hotel
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Royal Phuket City Hotel From 43 USD
Stay Minimum 3 Nights, Get Free One Day  Wireless Internet In Room !!! Stay Minimum 3 Nights, Get Free One Day Wireless Internet In Room !!!
     Royal Phuket City is the resort's best kept conference secret. Not only do we have southern Thailand's largest banquet / convention facilities capable of seating up to 2,000 persons, but competitive p... More Detail
Average User Rating : (3.5 From 5.0) (Review)

Salathai Resort Phuket
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Salathai Resort Phuket From 41 USD
Special Benefits Offer for Our´s Guests Only !!! Special Benefits Offer for Our´s Guests Only !!!
     Welcome to Phuket, a pearl of the Andaman Sea. Face the deep blue sea, white sandy beaches, warming sunshine, and coconut shade along the beach, the ultimate holidays you will never forget. In the... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.4 From 5.0) (Review)

Serene Resort Phuket
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Serene Resort Phuket From 39 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 300 Baht On Bonus Night !!! Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 300 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
     à¸‹à¸µà¸£à¸µà¸™ รีสอร์ท ตั้งอยู่บนเนินเขาทางใต้ของหาดกะตะ ใกล้กับบริเวณจุดชมวิà¸... More Detail
Average User Rating : (3.7 From 5.0) (Review)

Thanthip Villa Phuket
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Thanthip Villa Phuket From 37 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 265 Baht On Bonus Night !!!  Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 265 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
     Thanthip Villa Hotel เป็นโรงแรม 3 ดาว ที่เหมาะสมกับนักท่องเที่ยวทุกประเภท ตามแต่ความ... More Detail
Average User Rating :  Not Yet Rating  (0 From 5.0)

The Aquamarine Resort & Villa Phuket
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The Aquamarine Resort & Villa Phuket From 102 USD
Stay 7 Nights Pay 5 Nights Plus Only 495 Baht On Bonus Night !!!  Stay 7 Nights Pay 5 Nights Plus Only 495 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
     à¸”ิ อควอมารีน รีสอร์ท แอนด์ วิลล่า รีสอร์ทหรู ริมหาดกมลา จ.ภูเก็ต ยินดีต้à¸... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.7 From 5.0) (Review)

The Chedi Resort Phuket
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The Chedi Resort Phuket From 215 USD
Stay 8 Nights Pay 4 Nights !!!  Stay 8 Nights Pay 4 Nights !!!
     Surrounded by azure waters of the Andaman Sea and the tranquil coast of Pansea Beach, The Chedi Phuket is the gateway to a tropical island paradise. 108 thatched cottages sit cosily under a canopy ... More Detail
Average User Rating :  Not Yet Rating  (0 From 5.0)

The Front Village Phuket
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The Front Village Phuket From 57 USD
Stay 7 Nights Pay 5 Nights , Plus Only 330 Baht. On Bonus Nights !!! Stay 7 Nights Pay 5 Nights , Plus Only 330 Baht. On Bonus Nights !!!
     The Front Village opened in December 2000, designed in a Chino potuguese style. This delightful, unpretentious low-rise hotel is set 200 meters away from the popular Karon beach and features and impre... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.4 From 5.0) (Review)

The Mangosteen Resort and Spa Phuket
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The Mangosteen Resort and Spa Phuket From 140 USD
Stay 3 Nights Pay 2 Nights !!!  Stay 3 Nights Pay 2 Nights !!!
     The most romantic 5-star boutique resort in Phuket is a perfect hideaway for a relaxing holiday. The unique secluded hillside location offers unparalleled views over 4 bays, mountains and many surroun... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.6 From 5.0) (Review)

The Phulin Resort Karon Phuket
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The Phulin Resort Karon Phuket From 61 USD
Stay 3 Nights Pay 2 Nights !!!  Stay 3 Nights Pay 2 Nights !!!
     Whilst the Briza Beach Resort & Spa in Samui is deluxe boutique resort with fully equipped rooms and facilities and deluxe service of well trained staff, The Phulin Resort will positioning itself to b... More Detail
Average User Rating :  Not Yet Rating  (0 From 5.0)

The Taste Phuket
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The Taste Phuket From 47 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights !!! Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights !!!
     เดอะ เทส ภูเก็ต (The Taste Phuket) ด้วยการตกแต่... More Detail
Average User Rating :  Not Yet Rating  (0 From 5.0)

The Village Resort & Spa Phuket
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The Village Resort & Spa Phuket From 143 USD
Stay 7 Nights Pay 5 Nights , Plus Only 495 Baht. On Bonus Nights !!! Stay 7 Nights Pay 5 Nights , Plus Only 495 Baht. On Bonus Nights !!!
     Situated in the heart of Karon Beach, providing real sense of privacy and place in a beautiful secluded hidden of lush tropical gardens. The resort offers 34 villas in modern Thai-Taksin style. Each v... More Detail
Average User Rating :  Not Yet Rating  (0 From 5.0)

Tropical Garden Resort Phuket
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Tropical Garden Resort Phuket From 43 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 600 Baht On Bonus Night !!! Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 600 Baht On Bonus Night !!!
     à¸—รอปิคอล การ์เด้น รีสอร์ท ตั้งอยู่บนเนินเขา ทางใต้ของหาดกะตะ สามารถมอง... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4 From 5.0) (Review)

Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa
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Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa From 57 USD
Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 360 Baht On Bonus Nights !!! Stay 4 Nights Pay 3 Nights Plus Only 360 Baht On Bonus Nights !!!
     Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa "Experience the difference" Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa "Experience the difference" The word "Woraburi" in Thai describes an idyllic location populated by fairies who r... More Detail
Average User Rating : (4.3 From 5.0) (Review)